July 2022 Contest!!!
Contest time!!!
For this contest, we want to see your artistic side. Share a picture of your own interpretation of our logo in any form of art and post a pic here or on our social media. July 31st 2022, we’ll vote for the best and special ones and either send you these three (older awesome batches) or other kratom rewards!
Could be an oil painting of the logo, maybe a welded metal work, perhaps a popsicle stick rendition done by your kids, or some anime characters enjoying our tea in our mugs, we’re open to ideas and what you to have fun!
#fusedflora #florafused #kratom #kratomcommunity #kratomlife #kratomworld #leafoffaith #iamkratom #kratomheals #kratomtea #kratompowder #greendust #mitragyna #mitra #kratomvendor #kratomsaveslives #kratomusa #fusedflora #hirsuta #kava #kavakava #javanica #maengda #bentuangie #redbali #ilovekratom #aka #aki #pekrindo #mitragynine #speciosa